JOIN US for The One Academy Online Info Day and discover how The One Academy Penang's Art and Design courses can empower you to pursue your artistic passions for our upcoming Intake.
9 & 10 March 2024
The One Academy was conferred The BrandLaureate's Best Brand in Education for being one of Malaysia's leading art and design colleges. And in 2022, it ranked highly in the Rookies' 'Top 50 Creative Media & Entertainment Schools and Colleges in the World', regarded as the most respected rankings for education in the creative media & entertainment industries.
What can you expect?
✅ Creative sharing from ALL the Art & Design Master!
✅ Introduction to our creative major courses
✅ Stunning portfolio showcase
✅ Stay back & relax yet been inspired & empowered with our creative sharing
✅ The perfect way to start your art journey

Join Now!